What have we been up to lately?
We are just about to start unit 2. So far we’ve focused a bit on introductions. Almost every day we talk about students in the class and what they do well (and want to do better), as we explore all the diverse hobbies students have. We’ve also been talking about calendar/dates and wishing happy birthday to all the September & October babies in the class!
Below you can find the descriptions of the units. We will complete roughly 3 units and read one short novel per semester. If you would like to see more detail of what we do, each week the slides used in class are posted on Profe’s Google Calendar, at tinyurl.com/profefergclasses. The calendar is also embedded below.
Unit 1: Somos hispanohablantes
During our first unit, we’re going to be looking at identity and culture, how we connect with others in culturally appropriate ways, and what it means to communicate.
The main topics during Unit 1 are:
- Greeting others & making introductions
- Asking & telling names
- Asking & telling feelings
- Asking & telling ages
- Saying the date (especially your birthday)
- Use language in culturally appropriate ways
What are we doing today?
Check the calendar on the homepage of the site or by visiting tinyurl.com/profefergclasses
Need to meet with Ms. Ferguson?
You can schedule an appointment by following the link below or using the QR code below or visiting kferguson4n6.youcanbook.me
About Student Proficiency
Students in Spanish 1 are aiming for a NOVICE MID level of proficiency in all language skills. Here is what this looks like:
Interpretive Communication (listening & reading comprehension) – I can identify some basic facts from memorized or familiar words and phrases, when supported by gestures or visuals in informative texts, fictional texts, or conversations.
Interpersonal Communication (spoken & written conversations) – I can request & provide information by asking & answering a few simple questions on very familiar and everyday topics; I can express basic needs related to familiar & everyday activities; and I can express my own preferences or feelings & react to those of others, using a mixture of practiced or memorized words, phrases, simple sentences, and questions.
Presentational Communication (speaking & writing production) – I can present information about myself, my interest, and my activities; express my likes & dislikes on very familiar & everyday topics of interest; present on very familiar & everyday topics using a mixture of practiced or memorized words, phrases and simple sentences.
How to level-up proficiency?
The best way to bump up to the next level is to try to use more language when answering questions (instead of a single word, try for a phrase or sentence). When listening, the first time, try to catch as much as possible. Then, go back for a second listen and see if you can catch more details than you did the first time. Listening 2 or 3 times is a great way to get more used to hearing people speak!